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B/W Pebble Mamma


An original maternity themedrock. A B/W Pebble Mamma made with acrylics on stone. The piece bears the signature of the maker  on the back and its size is approx 13 cm in height

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A sweet little B/W Pebble Mamma and her baby. A gift perfect for a baby shower or for Mothers day

I like  mini peeble shapes. They usually reveal figures and faces that I try to discover with as few colors as possible (in this case only black and white)

  • The beach rocks were found on the beach sketched with a simple pencil
  • and then hand- painted with mineral powders and the type of glue that we use for fresco painting creating a very shiny and durable medium.


The mini pebble is being placed in its own bag with some little extras from our shop. Perfectt for a very personal and heart warming gift